Monday, March 31, 2008


"Gratitude is the best attitude!"

Just wanted to take a moment to list the things that I am grateful for today

1. Children- I love my children very much. And I am grateful for them every day! They make me laugh most everyday and they are big part of my inspiration to be a better person. They are: Harrison-10, Merlin-9, Charlene-7, Zoey-7, and last but certainly not least, Isabella-3.
(Ok, ok, so I did not give birth to Harrison and Zoey but I truly am thankful to have them in my life and they definitely fit under the children category!)
2. Daniel- There are so many things that I am thankful for when it comes to Daniel. I am thankful for his spirit, his strength and his support. I am thankful for his friendship, his love and his honesty.
3. Jesus- Well what can really be said here, without him, I don't want to think where I would be headed. I am thankful for the unconditional love and sacrifice that he made so that I have the opportunity to change and become the type of person I know that I can be.
4. Parents- Not only would I not be here without them, I am so thankful for the way I was raised. I appreciate my mother's goodness and her open mind and her ability to listen to her intuition. I am thankful for my father's example both spiritually and fiscally. I would not have chosen anyone different to raise me. I am thankful for their unconditional love and support as well.
5. Family- I am very thankful for my siblings. We grew up very close and I am thankful for each one of them.
6. My relationship- So much to say here. But, to sum it up I will say that I am eternally grateful that I am in such a healthy relationship. I am so happy that I have found my best friend to spend my life with growing, loving, and living.
7. A place to live- I think I often do not appreciate where I live as much as I should. I am so grateful that I have a place to call my own.I am grateful that I am able to provide my children with a place to live.
8. Food to eat- Again I think I often do not appreciate the fact that I get to eat on a regular basis. I am so grateful that I have always had food to eat and that my children will always be able to eat as well.
9. My Job- I get to work from home and that provides a lot of opportunities for me to be productive while I work and it allows me to be there for my kids when they need me.
10. My Health- I enjoy good health. :)
11. Running- I love to run. :) the best thing about it? I get to do it anywhere I want, I get to run with Daniel, and it will allow me to travel the world as I run races!!
12. Weather- I am so so happy that is spring!! No more snow!
13. Laughter- It is truly the best medicine. Between the kids and Daniel, I defiantly get my daily dose of laughter!
14. Knowledge- I am grateful for the knowledge that I currently have and the limitless things that I get to learn!!
15. A car to drive- I think I have always taken it for granted that I have always had a car to drive. I am very grateful that I have a way to get my kids to school and run every day errands!

There are so many more things that I am sincerely grateful for, but I thought this list was a good start!

1 people care about this post, besides me! :):

Shannon said...

I am grateful for friends like you that can share your feelings so openly. I loved that list! I love the path you are headed down! I have known you for more than half my life and I have always known what a good person you are. You are a very blessed person! I love you and I would love you see you soon!