Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Isn't Linda's Birthday in August?

I have started a tradition of making dinner for each person in my immediate family for their birthday present from me. I do this for a couple of reasons. Mostly selfish ones... lol. I want to spend time with these people... I like them a lot, and sometimes life does not permit me to see them very often. I also love to cook. Especially in a beautiful kitchen like the one my parents have! Another part of my tradition is giving this present about 6 months late or so.... lol. Not on purpose, just the way it happens. In fact, if I was not leaving town, Linda may have had to wait even longer. :) And her poor husband did not even get a dinner this year. My bad. (happy birthday Kevin too. :) ) So anyway, since I will be leaving next week, I also invited both sets of grandparents so that I could see them before I left. (Linda was kind enough to let me steal a little bit of the lime light) Unfortunately, my Grandma and Grandpa Davies could not be there because of health reasons, but we sent some food over there. (Thanks Mom) Grandma Breitling had to be a bit late due to a surgery in the family but it was nice to see her before we left! Grandpa Breitling was able to be there. It was a lot of fun to hear about his experiences in the Army Reserve (something that I did not learn about him until recently) He was also a Drill Sargent! Now when I have a Drill Sargent yelling at me, I can smile inside and know that on the inside he/she is just a sweet grandparent to be! :) Grandma and Grandpa B gave me a small journal to take with me to record my experiences. How perfect was that? :) I hope Linda enjoyed her birthday dinner, she will be due for another one around the time I return!

What's on the menu?

Caramel Apples (made by Daniel)-Pine Nut Cous Cous (made by Daniel)-Strawberry Almond Spinach Salad(Made by Lisa)-Old fashioned green beans(Made by the two of us)- and Pineapple Terriaki Salmon(Made by Lisa). We also had fresh baked wheat rolls. :) We made tons of food and sent Linda with the left overs for her birthday treat.

Lisa's Dishwasher :)
Because of work schedules in the past, this was the first "birthday" dinner that Daniel was able to fully participate in. It was so good to have him there. Not only do I love spending time with him, he comes in really handy in the Kitchen. From prep to cooking to clean up, he was there for me every step of the way!! Thank you Daniel!

Thank you Linda for putting up with your little sis! You have always been there for me and I really appreciate it! :) You are such a wonderful aunt to the kids. :) Thank you for being my friend.

(who cares if it is late? it is the thought that counts right?)

1 people care about this post, besides me! :):

Linda said...

dinner was great and much appreciated no matter the timing!!! I was glad to be with you guys and enjoyed having couscous for the first time. thanks again!!!